Qualifications for bariatric surgery

Inova follows eligibility requirements for weight loss (bariatric) surgery established by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Surgical weight loss is recommended for individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or greater. You may be eligible for weight loss surgery with a BMI of 35 with comorbidities. Co-morbidities include high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and sleep apnea, among others. This translates to being at least 100 pounds overweight.

Contact us

If you have a BMI of 40 or greater or a BMI of 35 with comorbidities please use our online contact form to learn more about our weight loss programs.


Body Mass Index (BMI) classifications
Classification BMI U.S. Population 
Overweight > 25.0 60 percent
Obese (class I) 33.0 to 34.9 18 percent
Obese (class II) 35.0 to 39.9 
Clinically severe
obesity (class III)
 > 40.0     5 percent


Try our free online BMI calculator