Leon E. Moores, MD

8280 Willow Oaks Corporate Dr
Fairfax, VA 22031
Dr. Leon Moores is a specialty care physician board certified in pediatric neurological surgery at Inova Health System. He has spent much of his career serving in combined clinical and leadership roles: infantry lieutenant at 82nd Airborne Division; Chief of Neurosurgery at Walter Reed; Chair, Department of Surgery at Walter Reed; Deputy Commander for Integration at National Naval Medical Center; Commander (CEO) of Fort Meade Medical Activity; and CEO of Pediatric Specialists of Virginia. He has twice deployed to combat zones to care for our service members in harm’s way.
Dr. Moores is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point (BS), the Uniformed Services University (MD), the Industrial College of the Armed Forces (MS, strategy and resource management), and the School of Health Professions at University of Alabama, Birmingham (DSc, healthcare leadership). He is a Professor of Neurosurgery at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, Inova campus and a Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics at the Uniformed Services University F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine.
He has received numerous recognitions from West Point, Army Infantry Officer Basic Course, Uniformed Services University and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces. He also coauthored the U.S. Army’s physician leadership development program. He was the Army Surgeon General’s Physician Leader of the Year as a lieutenant colonel in 2005 and again as a colonel in 2012.
Dr. Moores cares deeply about the children and adults he is privileged to care for, believes professionalism demands treating all people with dignity and respect, and hopes to constantly inspire his colleagues to celebrate the honorable mission of taking care of patients.
Baby Undergoes Successful Urgent Surgery for Brain Cyst (March 2018)
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