Winter Weather Notice - February 6

The National Weather Service Baltimore/Washington DC issued a winter weather advisory in effect from Feb 5, 9 p.m., until Feb 6, 10 a.m. If you have an in-person appointment at our outpatient offices, please contact your office to discuss switching to a virtual appointment. If a virtual appointment isn’t an option, we may reschedule your appointment.

Stay tuned for the latest updates about delayed openings at – and stay warm and safe.

Estimated stipend



Residents accrue paid time off (PTO) during the one-year residency program. Use of PTO will be in accordance to the residents' PTO policy.


Residents are eligible for medical, prescription, dental, vision, long-term disability and short-term disability insurance.

Professional liability insurance

Residents are covered by the hospital's general professional liability insurance.

Educational stipend

Reasonable expenses for travel to the ASHP Mid-Year Meeting and Eastern States Residency conference are reimbursable. The amount of reimbursement requires prior approval by the residency program director. Costs associated with state licensure, membership in professional organizations and enrollment in the ASHP personnel placement service are not covered by the program.